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DOI: 10.46698/VNC.2021.12.5.006


Ktsoeva, Sultana G.
Kavkaz Forum. 2021. Issue 5.
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the research concept of the
origin and essence of the deity Safa of the Ossetian pantheon, which belongs to
one of the leading Ossetian scholars Tamerlan Alexandrovich Guriev. The concept
is presented in the article «Herodot’s Hestia / Tabiti and Safa in the Ossetian
Nartyada» [1]. The complexity, «multi-layered» nature of the object under study
to this day keeps the discussion in the scientific community. Until now, there is no
unequivocal answer about the origins of the appearance of Safa, his true essence,
image and character, the etymology of the name. We aim to consider another
version interpreting Safa’s onomastics and his sacred functions, presented in
the concept of the reknown linguist Tamerlan Aleksandrovich Guriev, subject
it to scientific analysis and determine the degree of its integration into modern
Ossetian studies. The novelty of the research lies in the undertaken cross-analysis
of two different concepts of Safa advanced by T. A. Guriev and B. A. Alborov with
the aim of finding a number of similar conclusions, to which both scientists at
different times came completely independently, which, in turn, indirectly confirms
their objectivity. A significant and basic difference in points of view (BA Alborov
considered Safu to be derived from the proto-Jewish god Sabaoth, and T. A. Guriev
– the Scythian goddess Tabiti), did not prevent the scientists from coming to
general conclusions. The most significant similarities between both concepts
include the conclusion about Safa’s solarity (though interpreted in different ways)
and that the deity is in fact the result of masculinization.
Keywords: T. A. Guriev, Safa, B. A. Alborov, Tabiti, Sabaoth, masculinization, solar symbolism
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