DOI: 10.46698/e7089-6372-3532-k
Morgoeva, Larisa B. , Tsallagova, Iskra N.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 4.
Abstract: The paper considers prepositional word-formation elements, prone to
independent lexical meaning and revealing formal-grammatical intersections
with some morphological classes in the Ossetian language. The close
morphological and syntactic connection of words becomes a motivating
sign in the formation of new lexical formations, the status of which requires
special studies and determination of their component composition. The lexical
composition of the modern Ossetian language in both its dialect forms contains
a fair amount of complex words with the same initial components, revealing a
partial loss of their own lexical meaning and therefore not able to meet the
requirements of composite education. An analysis of such prepositional elements,
which still do not have a uniquely defined status, showed their ability to function
as part of a word as full-fledged prefixes, since their semantic meaning reduces
to indicating the direction or location of objects with respect to each other. Their
truncated form, the rapid loss of their own semantics and word-formation activity
contribute to the strengthening of their prefix status. The predicted demand for
these prepositional units is associated with the development of the journalistic and
official business styles of the Ossetian language. Prepositional elements, acting
as emotional-evaluative intensifiers of the motivating component in the lexical
education, we classify as prefixoids. Preserving their own lexical meaning during
independent functioning, such elements activate the connotative meanings
of the word with which they enter into word-formation relations. The semantic
features that the identified prefixoids are able to endow with the word limit the
scope of use within the framework of those stylistic varieties in which imagery and
emotional appraisal are assumed.
Keywords: word formation, contextual semantics, composite, prefixation, Ossetian language
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