Gabaraeva, Marina R.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
Abstract: With the development of the Internet, the media has transformed from its
traditional forms of newspapers and television into online-media, which also
includes news profiles on the social networks such as Vkontakte, Instagram, and
Telegram. Reading news is one of the main purposes of using the internet and
social media, which leads to the popularity of news aggregators. Social networks
differ from traditional media in their interactivity and greater dependence on
readers, since the success of a profile is based on the engagement of the audience
namely, of chief relevance is the number of comments. Administrators of social
media profiles would more likely publish news that generates reactions and
controversy. Events covered on the news profiles are then transferred to other
social media pages, where they continue to be discussed. The general mood of
the society can be determined by the response of Internet users to various topics.
The issue of family and marriage relations is often raised in Dagestan based
social media profiles and pages. This topic is stimulated by the publication
of news reports on the ratio of marriages and divorces in the republic. Since
the majority of active users of social networks are young people, analyzing
their views on the issue of marital relations can help to understand the future
of the family in the region. Based on the results of the content analysis of the
comments under the posts about marriages and divorces, we can say that, in
addition to personal factors, the main reasons for high number of divorces and
a decrease in the number of marriages are financial instability, as well as a
change in society and its transition to modernization. The number of marriages
in Dagestan is declining, while the number of divorces remains approximately
at the same level, although the media focuses its attention on divorces, forming
Keywords: marriage, divorce, marital relationship, content analysis, onlinemedia, social networks, Dagestan
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