Fedosova, Elena V.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
Abstract: This article touches upon the narrative texts of the relatives of the people
who were reported missing during the armed phase of the Ossetian-Ingush
confrontation in 1992. The Republic of the North Ossetia-Alania is one of 7
subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District, which at the initial stages of
the post-Soviet period had to face multiple and varied forms of violence, which
subsequently resulted in the post-traumatic syndrome characteristic of a large
number of residents of the North Ossetia-Alania. Unfortunately, due to objective
and other circumstances, the problems of people with post-traumatic syndrome
have not become the subject of research either by practicing psychologists nor
they have become the subject of research within the framework of scientific
discourse. In this article, the author for the first time, on the basis of scientific
methodology, tries to formulate the main approaches to studying the problems
of this category of people. The object of the research is the relatives of people who
disappeared as a result of the Ossetian-Ingush confrontation in 1992. Based on
the results of the analysis of narrative texts, performed within the framework of
the qualitative paradigm of sociology, it can be argued that, in addition to the
personal characteristics that stimulate an individual’s overcoming the posttraumatic
state, there is a whole complex of socio-cultural mechanisms that affect
post-traumatic growth in persons who have been in a traumatic situation for a
long time. In our study of the peculiarities of living a post-traumatic situation with
relatives who disappeared during the 1992 armed confrontation, we relied on the
concepts of existential philosophy and qualitative methods of sociology, since, in
our opinion, it is this combination of the proposed concepts and methods that
makes it possible to give exhaustive responses to the behavior of a person who
has been exposed to the situation of post-traumatic syndrome for a long time
Keywords: post-traumatic situation, narrative texts, triangulation method
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