Tuallagov, Alan A.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of the traditional table
(fyng) in the materials of the Nart epic of the Ossetians. The relevance of the
problem under consideration is determined by the existence of the published
extensive corpus of the Narts» sagas. This provision allows, on the one hand,
to fully derive the characteristic features of this object, and, on the other hand,
to compare them with the data of archeology and ethnography. The scientific
novelty of the work consists in an interdisciplinary approach to research,
which is provided, inter alia, by materials first brought to analysis. The purpose
of the study is to identify the magical and objective design features of tables
as household items in comparison with real Alanian tables and genetically
related tables of the Ossetians. When conducting the research, methods of
textual research of sources, descriptive, typological and comparative research
methods were used for photographic fixation of the studied objects, inductive
and logical analysis based on the principle of historicism and systematic
The study determined the presence in the epos of two types of ideas
about the subject. The first endows it with magical properties of independent
movement and providing treats when it is possible to increase the significance
of the subject by attributing to it the manufacture of precious metals. The
second reproduces the forms and structural details of the subject, which are
reliably comparable with ethnographic and archaeological samples. Perhaps
some of these details gave rise to ideas about some of the table»s magical
abilities. In addition, archaeological materials provide illustrative examples of
the use of certain types of wood in the manufacture of tables. The attempts
to interpret the image of the table from a mythological position due to the
symbolism of forms and numbers noted in scientific publications seem at least
Keywords: wooden tables, archaeological and folklore data, the Alans, the Ossetians
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