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Kanukova, Zalina V. , Tsogoev, Batraz T.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
The picture of the world, characteristic of traditional culture, is broadcast in
a variety of ways, and also wia the ideas of clothing, which is one of the elements
of the life supporting culture, reflects the understanding of the ethnos, allows
to maintain a lively connection between generations and visually represent the
bearer of the culture of ancestors. The study of folkloric sources, in particular
of the Narts’ kadags, allows to reconstruct some archaic forms of physical life,
to trace the trends of their existence in the dynamics of social development, in
the changed habitat, in the conditions of external influences and interactions
with the foreign cultural environment. Performers of kadags – bearers of
the collective historical and cultural memory of the people, through various
epic formulas broadcast information about certain elements of clothing and
traditions of its manufacture and wearing, which clearly shows the reflection
in it of the several epochs and cultural layers, of continuity with the traditional
culture of Ossetians.
Analysis of Narts’ kadags suggests that they are not the source for a
complete ethnographic description of a person’s costume in the Land of Nartha,
but contain equally important information about the social and symbolic
functions of clothing. In the cultural space of the ethnic group it is not only a
part of the culture of life support with a utilitarian purpose, it is a text with its
own semantics. It was revealed that the clothes of Narts is a prestigious-iconic
element of culture, ethnic and social marker, a measure of human dignity. In
addition, clothing is a notable trophy, a reward for valor, a valuable gift in a
man’s society, an indispensable component of the wedding gift exchange, part
of the bride price payment, the object of inheritance, a form of bribery, and
compensation for the insult. These and other functions characterize clothing
as a structure of daily life, reflecting the diverse connections and relationships
described in the reality described.
Keywords: Nart Legends, Cultural Memory, Social Features of Clothing
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