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Khuzheva, Lyudmila K.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
The article raises an urgent question about the preservation and development
of national languages in the context of globalization and modernization of the
modern society. Language as one of the main factors in preserving the cultural
heritage of the people should gain the state support. Our main goal is to find
ways to optimally combine traditional culture, the mentality of peoples and their
languages with the universal interests of modernization processes in modern
society. The reasons for the concern of various experts on the preservation and
development of both national languages and national culture are revealed. This
article suggests ways to solve the language problems that have affected viability of
the languages. Since language is part of culture, it is important to teach elements
of the culture when teaching the native language, which involves familiarizing
children with the culture of the people carrier of the language, the peculiarities of
customs, lifestyles, history, traditions, customs, rules of conduct and other values.
Our task is through joint work to instill in children love of their people, of their
mother tongue, national traditions, all those spiritual values accumulated by the
people from generation to generation, to prevent the disappearance of native
languages, to preserve more native word of the native language, develop their
traditions, customs and their native language for future generations. Starting
from kindergarten and primary school, it is necessary to introduce children to
the history and culture of their people. They must learn their native language
and know their ancestry. It is necessary to start learning from childhood because
children perceive what they hear and see more easily. Only within such system of
education and upbringing will children grow up to be full-fledged and intelligent
people who can contribute to the treasury of their national culture.
Keywords: national languages, preservation and development, cultural heritage, national traditions, propaganda, state support
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