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Morgoeva, Larisa B.
Kavkaz Forum. 2020. Issue 3.
The article is devoted to the works of V. Ya. Ikskul, and analysis of their
ethnographic component. The degree of authenticity of the rituals, customs,
traditions and norms of everyday life and etiquette of the Ossetians described by
V. Ya.Ikskul enhances the ethnographic relevance outshaowing their artistic value.
Descriptions of customs are undertaken to get insight into their meaning and
internal semantics, and therefore they are presented in colorful artistic design. The
purpose of the research was not only to extract cultural and ethnographic facts
from literary texts, but also to give them an appropriate assessment.
The analysis of the descriptions of customs and rites extracted from the
texts in comparison with recognized ethnographic works has shown their exact
correspondence and similarity. In addition, the studied descriptions differ in some
completeness and in many ways detailed sequence, which allows to recreate the
reconstruction of ancient customs. For greater accuracy and efficiency, the article
builds a logical sequence of the customs under discussions: from the structure
of housing and behavioral etiquette to ancient and archaic customs. A special
place, both in the author’s works and in the article, is occupied by ethnographic
material related to the beliefs and spiritual culture of the Ossetians: the system
of religious values, the sequence of rituals, the interpretation of their semantic
load and special significance in the life of the mountain people. An important
advantage of the considered ethnographic blocks in the texts Of V. Ya. Ikskul is
the time of their writing and publication, as well as their reliability, associated
with personal observations during visits to Ossetia and personal acquaintance
with folk storytellers of epic tales. The result of the research was the conclusion
about the serious significance of the works of V. Ya. Ikskul and the possibility of
recognizing them as an ethnographic source.
Keywords: Ethnography of the Ossetians, a ceremony, an ancient custom, mountain etiquette, V. Ya. Ikskul, Tbau-Wasilla
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